Who Is My Neighbor?

The Good Samaritan by Walter Rane

The Good Samaritan  by Walter Rane

“Resolve to be tender
with the young,
compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving,
and tolerant of the weak and the wrong. Sometime in life you will have been
all of these.”
Lloyd Shearer

“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.”
John F. Kennedy

One day while hanging out in a local Starbucks with a mixed group of intellectuals and religious people, Jesus and a Lawyer got into a little neighborly discussion.

A certain lawyer stood up, saying, Master, What shall I do to inherit eternal life?
Luke 10:25

The question was simple and straightforward, but the intention behind the question was not.  It was a trap.  This Lawyer was trying to lure Jesus into a debate.  Jesus wasn’t in the mood for contention, so he turned the tables and answered the Lawyer’s question with a question. Continue reading

Peace, Be Still

Master, the Tempest is Raging by Walter Rane

Master, the Tempest is Raging  by Walter Rane

“Fearful heart – Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance…and save you.”
Isaiah 35:4

“He who commands the sea
has command of everything.”

Hello, my name is Julie.  I am a recovering worry-aholic.

I worry about health, finances, the future, and about my kids’ safety.  I worry about computer crashes, brain glitches, and what people think of me.  The older I get, seems each season brings fresh reasons for fear.  Ugh.

Now, the other half of me isn’t quite as unravelled.  On the flip-side I am confident, composed, enthusiastic, and faithful.  This is the side everyone sees. Yet, more often than I’d like to admit, clouds of worry billow in, getting the best of me.  And I am fearful.

Can a person be full of faith and full of fear at the same time?  In my humble opinion – Yes.

The presence of fear does not mean you have no faith.  Fear comes to everyone.  Even Jesus was scared (Mark 14:33-35).  And it feels horrible.  Fear puts gray in your day, sucks the life out of you, and robs you of contentment.

But what if you could change that?  What if faith – not fear – was your knee-jerk reaction to troubles?  How would that be?  Being stress-less.  Imagine – a day, a week, or a month with absolutely NO fear. Continue reading

We Are All Survivors

December 1, 2013, a San Jose, California family took a single-engine Beech Bonanza plane from Oregon (where they had celebrated Thanksgiving) and planned to travel to Butte, Montana to drop off a son and daughter-in-law. The small plane was manned by father, Dale Smith, a very experienced pilot, and member of the Blossom Valley Ward in Almaden, California. Yes, they are members of the Church.

Also on board were his son and daughter-in-law Daniel and Sheree Smith, and his daughter Amber Smith and her fiancé, Jonathan Norton. The plane flew on a very clear day, but when it reached an area over central Idaho, Dale reported engine trouble and dropped out of contact. The plane had gone down. Now the search was on to find survivors in the rugged snowy mountain terrain. Continue reading